Ideas On How To Save Yourself Against A Bad Guy

By Barten A Bailey

The guy leaning to the lamp post set alarm bells off. He then moved in front of me all of a sudden and said, give me all your cash. I stated my pen was the only thing on me of any value. I took this out and sprayed him in the face. I called 911 the moment he hit the ground.

It is funny but just a while back I was thinking where I could buy defense spray on the internet. Look precisely what happened later.

I selected self defense spray as it causes a burning pain in the eyes and on the skin. But this wears off eventually with no permanent injury. You defend yourself without fighting back, so it is safer, and can go call the cops while your enemy is squirming on the ground.

Choosing what kind of defense spray to get on the internet was challenging. There were many shapes and sizes. However when I saw the camouflaged pepper sprays, I would like one.

These types resemble anything but defense spray. You can take somebody coming at you completely by surprise. I needed a small pepper spray, as well, so I could hide it within my hand.

That was why I bought a Pepper Shot pepper pen. This looks just like any pen. However it is really pepper spray with an oleoresin capsicum concentration of 10 percent and tipped the scale at two million Scoville heat units. Furthermore, it is made using a much finer grain than what most pepper sprays possess, thus it is much more effective. It has got a Quick Release key chain as well as has six to ten one-second shots that reach six to eight feet.

Aside from the discomfort this gives, strong pepper sprays similar to this swells the mucous membranes and eye blood vessels thus it is hard to breathe as well as see. This lasts up to 45 minutes but the person who gets this will find that he is fully recovered when he is in jail.

More people ought to buy pepper spray, I believe. Just like me, they just might end up needing this sooner than they every considered they would.

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